Invisalign in NYC

Are you thinking of getting Invisalign in NYC, but you aren’t quite sure if it’s right for you? Check out the benefits, and you’ll see why so many people are getting Invisalign. Then, you can make your appointment and get on the road to getting straight teeth.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that uses clear, removable aligners to straighten teeth. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible, making them a popular choice for adults and teens who may be self-conscious about their appearance during treatment.

Clear, removable dental aligners known as Invisalign are used to straighten teeth and treat other oral health issues such as overbites, underbites, and gaps between teeth. The aligners are manufactured specifically for each patient using modern 3D imaging technology, designed to align the teeth over a few months gradually.

The explicit, soft, and nearly invisible plastic material of Invisalign aligners makes them a desirable alternative to traditional metal braces. In addition, they are removable, which makes it simple to maintain proper dental hygiene while undergoing treatment.

Invisalign’s benefits in NYC

Discreet Treatment Treatment
The almost invisible aligners of Invisalign are among its most notable advantages. Invisalign is a discrete and efficient approach to straightening your teeth without attracting notice in New York, where appearance can be everything.

A Comfortable Treatment
Traditional braces can be uncomfortable and painful, especially during the initial adjustment period. Invisalign, on the other side, is much more comfortable. The smooth, non-sharp edges of the transparent aligners keep them from causing pain to your cheeks or gums. Also, Invisalign aligners are take-out, so you can remove them when you eat, brush, and floss. This makes the entire treatment process much more comfortable.

Faster Treatment
Treatment with Invisalign often lasts longer than with conventional braces. This is so your teeth can be moved more effectively than traditional braces. Additionally, as the Invisalign aligners are changed every few weeks, your teeth continue to move in the direction you want them to go. Compared with conventional braces, this may lead to a shorter treatment period.

Shorter Treatment
Invisalign usually takes less time than conventional braces. Those who desire straighter teeth as soon as possible may find this a significant advantage. Although the length of treatment depends on how difficult the situation is, most people might anticipate using Invisalign aligners for anywhere between 6 and 18 months.

Invisalign Treatment Duration

The treatment duration for Invisalign can vary depending on the severity of the orthodontic issue being addressed and the individual patient’s response to treatment. On average, treatment with Invisalign takes between 12 and 18 months, but some cases may be completed in as little as six months, while others may take up to two years.

Patients wear custom-made, clear aligners that gradually shift their teeth into the desired position during treatment. The aligners are usually worn for 20-22 hours a day and changed every 1-2 weeks, depending on the treatment plan. Regular check-ups with the orthodontist are also necessary to monitor progress and adjust as needed.

Invisalign in NYC – Get Straight Teeth Quickly

Invisalign in NYCOne of the biggest benefits of getting Invisalign in NYC is how fast the treatment is. You don’t want to wait years to get straight teeth, and with Invisalign, that’s not necessary. Depending on the level of treatment you need, you might only need to wear the clear aligners for six months, although most people wear them for a year. Even if you have to keep them on for an entire year, that’s a short period of time when compared to braces. If you want a short treatment time, go with Invisalign in New York City.

Keep Living Your Life

Invisalign in NYC gives you the freedom you can’t get with braces. You can pop your aligners out whenever you want to play sports, eat your favorite foods, or smile for a picture. Just don’t get in the habit of going without your aligners for too long. You want your teeth to get straighter, so leave them in for the most part. Still, take them out as needed for a short period of time. That type of flexibility is another reason so many people choose Invisalign in NYC.

Keep Your Confidence with Invisalign in NYC

You don’t want everyone to see your aligners. That’s what makes Invisalign so great. The clear aligners aren’t easily detectable, so most people won’t even realize you’re wearing them. That means you can smile with confidence when you get Invisalign in NYC.

Looking for Invisalign in NYC? Contact Us Today

Dr. Lien and the team at House of Orthodontia are experts in Invisalign in NYC. We are happy to answer any questions pertaining to Invisalign, Invisalign Teen, braces, and clear braces in Brooklyn, NY, 11201; NYC; and the surrounding areas. If you want to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lien, please contact House of Orthodontia at 212-392-4789 for our Manhattan Office or 718-852-4414 or visit

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