Braces Friendly Foods

Braces Friendly Foods: 5 Best Options for a Healthy Smile

Braces make your teeth and smile look great, but they also make dining more complicated. Certain braces friendly foods can help protect braces and teeth from damage while providing the nutritional benefits that are essential for braces wearers. If you are going for braces treatment in Brooklyn here are 5 foods that are braces friendly.

5 Braces Friendly Foods

Soft Fruits

Many patients enjoy eating soft fruits such as apples, pears, peaches, apricots, and grapes. These fruits provide plenty of vitamins, mineral, fiber, and other nutrients without being hard on braces or teeth.

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens such as kale, spinach, collard greens, and Swiss chard provide a wealth of nutrients without the risk of braces damage. Leafy greens provide calcium, vitamins A and K, fiber, and a host of other beneficial minerals.

Soft Dairy

Soft dairy products such as yogurt, cottage cheese, and soft cheeses are braces-friendly foods. They also provide essential nutrients like calcium and protein that braces wearers need. Plus, you can incorporate them in a lot of meals for a great treat.


Certain types of seafood are braces-friendly, too. Soft fish like tilapia, salmon, and flounder are braces-friendly options. These seafood items provide plenty of protein and omega-3 fatty acids.

Breads & Pancake

When you choose the right type of bread, they can enjoy a good source of carbohydrate during treatment. Soft and fluffy pancakes are also braces-friendly foods. Choose a pancake mix with little to no added sugar, and you can enjoy these treats while still protecting braces and teeth from damage.

Other Braces Friendly Foods

Braces Friendly Foods

  • Soft meats
  • Eggs
  • Squash and potatoes
  • Quinoa
  • Smoothies
  • Soups
  • Mashed beans
  • Hummus
  • Soft tacos
  • Yogurt

Foods Not Recommended for Braces-Wearers

Braces include brackets and wires that can be damaged if you eat certain foods. On the duration of your treatment, you need to limit your intake of hard and crunchy foods, such as popcorn, chips, nuts and seeds. Additionally, you should avoid chewy or sticky foods like gum and caramel, as they can get stuck in braces.

If you eat something that isn’t braces-friendly, brush your teeth and clean your braces with a toothbrush or water flosser. This will help keep braces clean and prevent damage. When you experience damage in your braces, be sure to see your orthodontist promptly.

Taking Care of Your Braces

Aside from eating the right foods, you should also practice other ways to take care of your braces. This is important because it helps make sure that braces stay in great condition and that teeth remain healthy.

  • Brush twice daily.
  • Use interdental brush to clean braces.
  • Floss at least once a day.
  • Avoid hard and chewy foods.
  • Be careful with braces when eating certain foods.
  • Use braces wax as needed.
  • Visit the dentist on a regular basis.

Consult an Orthodontist in Brooklyn for Efficient Braces Treatment

Braces Friendly Foods

One key to ensuring your treatment is successful is to consult a reliable orthodontist in Brooklyn. We are committed to providing excellent braces treatment and care at House of Orthodontia. We offer braces for all ages and other orthodontic treatments, such as Invisalign and orthodontic appliances.

During your treatment, we are going to support and provide guidance to make sure that braces are properly taken care of and that you get the best results. Dr. Thomas Lien and Dr. Mani Alikhani are experienced orthodontic specialists who are ready to help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

At House of Orthodontia, we also offer accelerated treatment using some or all of the following strategies to increase tooth movement and shorten treatment times:

  • Osteoperforation (Propel)
  • Micro-Vibratory Dental Device
  • Preferred Appointment Scheduling

Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get the braces treatment you need. You can also visit our website to learn more about our orthodontic approach and services. We look forward to helping you achieve a beautiful, healthy smile!

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