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How Much Is Invisalign

There is no doubt that Invisalign is one of the greatest – if not THE greatest – technologies in the field of dentistry. It came into light about 15 years ago, and it practically solved every problem related to braces. In fact, because of Invisalign, more and more people – especially adults – are now seeking braces. However, It does come at a cost, a financial one. Invisalign is quite expensive compared to traditional braces. So is it worth it? And exactly how much is Invisalign? That is what we’ll attempt to answer here.

What is Invisalign and how does it work?

Invisalign is a new innovation in the area of teeth movement. Instead of brackets, wires and colorful elastics that pull the teeth to the desired position, Invisalign is dependent on plastic, transparent molds called aligners. You place the aligners on the outer surface of the teeth, and they apply pressure to move them where we need.

How is Invisalign superior to traditional braces?

  1. Appearance:

    Traditional braces are awful looking. Invisalign on the other hand is a joy to wear. It sticks to the surface of the teeth, making it virtually invisible. Plus, you can remove them at will. So if you have that special occasion, by all means take them off and leave them at home.

  2. Comfort:

    One of the key disadvantages of braces is the constant cutting and scraping against the soft tissues, causing lacerations and ulcers. Invisalign aligners are made of highly polished plastic. It feels so good against your lips and cheeks, so no more cutting and scraping.

  3. Time:

    Braces take an awfully long time to do their effect. Invisalign is not fast, but is certainly faster than braces. What would take a year with braces could be done within 8 to 10 months with Invisalign.

  4. Accuracy:

    Braces are great and effective, but it all comes down to the skill of the orthodontist. He\she has complete control of teeth movement. Invisalign –adversely – is almost entirely computer made. This makes it incredibly accurate, and is the reason behind its speed too.

How much is Invisalign?

Now to the more important part: How much will all that cost me?

Well, It all really depends on the case, so we can give you a range. On average, Invisalign ranges between $4000 to $7500. While this may seem as a high amount, you should compare it to the cost of traditional braces so you have the whole picture. Traditional braces range between $3000 and $6500. So basically, what we’re trying to tell you is that the average difference between traditional braces and Invisalign for the same case is around $1000.

Is it worth it?

We established that the difference is around $1000, but only you can determine if Invisalign is worth it for you. If you ask us, we would say that braces that look better, is more comfortable, faster and more accurate is well worth the difference. However, if all that is not what you’re looking for, and you’re looking to save a few dollars, then by all means go for traditional braces. You’ll get the same result in the end, the question is: How will you get there?

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