Does Invisalign Work for Crowded Teeth?

Does Invisalign Work for Crowded Teeth?

If you happen to be one of the many people born with a mouth that seems too small for your teeth, you have probably wondered, “Does Invisalign work for crowded teeth?” Well, you can stop wondering because Invisalign is very effective at aligning crowded teeth.

Does Invisalign Work for Crowded Teeth?

Invisalign was first introduced in 1999 and was quickly adopted for the correction of minor orthodontic alignment problems. As the technology grew, so did the capabilities of Invisalign. With the iTero Digital Scanner and 3D imaging software, Invisalign treatment fits nicely in this century as an alternative to traditional braces for tooth-straightening.

In addition to correcting overcrowded teeth, Invisalign can help with overbites, underbites, gap teeth, and many other malocclusions. Invisalign works by gently shifting teeth into correct alignment positions. Using a succession of almost invisible tray aligners, you will gradually achieve a straighter smile.

With spacers and other adaptive aids, Invisalign can be beneficial in treating many complex cases. For adults, Invisalign provides a discreet way to correct orthodontic problems without the stigma of wearing traditional braces.

How Invisalign Works to Align Crowded Teeth

The first step in reducing the crowding in your mouth is to have an examination by one of our doctors. The first visit is a complimentary consultation, complete the online registration process, and House of Orthodontia staff will get you set up.

Following your consultation, the examining doctor will explain treatment options. While not all problems are suitable for Invisalign treatment, we can straighten your smile. Likely you will be given a choice between Invisalign and traditional braces. The doctor will explain the benefits of each treatment.

Once you begin Invisalign treatment, the doctor will prescribe a series of alignment trays. Each tray is custom-made for your smile using computer technology. You will switch to a new set of trays approximately every two weeks. Each tray set works to shift your teeth into the correct position gently. Results are gradual, so it may take several weeks before you notice a difference.

The length of time will vary for each patient. While some minor cases can be corrected within 6 months, the average treatment period is 12 to 18 months. To discover if Invisalign can work on your crowded teeth, contact House of Orthodontia.

Work on Crowd Control — Contact House of Orthodontia

If you are ready to get started, you can use the online contact form or call our offices to set up your appointment. We have two convenient office locations:

122 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone: 212-392-4789

When your examination is complete, the doctor will discuss available options to create your perfect smile. House of Orthodontia specializes in repairing complex malocclusions without surgery whenever possible. If another orthodontist has told you that surgery was your only option, please talk to us. While we can’t guarantee you won’t need surgery, we may offer a much better non-surgical solution.

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