Category Archives: Blog

child orthodontics

What’s the Right Age For Your Child to Begin Getting Orthodontic Treatment?

As a parent, you may have asked yourself this, considering how many people you see just outside alone wear braces. You commonly see teenagers wear braces, but if your child is way younger, will getting them braces even make a difference? The short answer is yes. In this article, you’ll learn about the different types of orthodontic treatments in Brooklyn, as well as determine the right time your child should start getting them. So, keep reading ahead! What is Orthodontics? Orthodontics is a subfield of dentistry that focuses on malocclusion treatment. Orthodontists provide appliances that are either fixed or removable to treat the patient’s bite issues. The main goal is always to fix the misalignment of the patient’s teeth or their bite so that they can have a beautiful smile throughout time. The Different Types of Orthodontic Treatment There are many kinds of orthodontic treatments such as metal braces, ceramic...
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orthodontics for children

Right Age for a Child to Start Orthodontic Treatment?

When Is the Right Age for a Child to Start Orthodontic Treatment? As your children get older, you might wonder if it’s already time for them to start orthodontic treatment. In this article, we’ll discuss the different orthodontic treatments available to children, as well as when is the best time for them to undergo them. The Different Types of Orthodontics for Children Here is the most common orthodontic treatment in Brooklyn. However, consulting with an orthodontist will give better recommendations as to which treatment would be the most suitable for your child. Traditional metal braces The most common type of braces is the traditional metal braces. Unlike before, metal braces are more comfortable lately. This orthodontic treatment is made out of high-grade stainless steel and will straighten teeth through archwires and metal brackets. Patients also have the option of choosing their preferred color of elastic bands, which add a more...
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Smile Confidently

How to Brush Your Teeth Effectively?

Brush your Teeth Correctly : Plaque is a sticky, microbe biofilm that adheres persistently to your teeth, and as a result, brushing is an efficient technique to eliminate it. Gum disease and bad breath can both be caused by plaque. Plaque buildup is thought to generate more than 90% of dental ailments. Fluoride Fluoride in toothpaste removes plaque, builds dental plaque, and makes teeth more resistant to disease. Brushing also freshens your breath and helps your mouth feel cleaner. While there is no one "perfect" way to wash and brush your gums, a few methods help you get them as clean as possible. So, why wait? Let's get a brushing refresher right now! [caption id="attachment_2524" align="alignnone" width="300"] Brushing Freshens your Teeth[/caption] Orthodontic Treatment in Brooklyn: May prevent Inflamed gums and tooth decay by brushing your teeth correctly. You might be suffering tooth roughness or even gum damage if you don't...
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How Does Thumb Sucking Affect Teeth?

If you have an infant, you can’t help but wonder about the impact of thumb sucking. You’ve probably even asked some friends, “How does thumb sucking affect teeth?” Thumb sucking is a safe behavior up until a certain age, but then, it becomes dangerous. Get the answer to, “How does thumb sucking affect teeth?” so you’ll know what to do moving forward. How Does Thumb Sucking Affect Teeth in Infants? When you ask people, “How does thumb sucking affect teeth?” you’re probably a little torn. You know that thumb sucking soothes your child, so the thought of making him or her stop is a bit unsettling. Fortunately, children can safely suck their thumbs up to the age of 4. Up until that point, children can enjoy the soothing benefits without hurting their teeth, jaws, or mouths. What happens when children reach the age of 4, though? That’s what you really...
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Best Invisalign Orthodontist Near Me

You want straight teeth, and that means one thing. You’re ready to get Invisalign. First, though, you need to find an orthodontist. That’s caused you to ask, “How do I find the best Invisalign orthodontist near me?” You want to find the best orthodontist in the New York City area, so you need to look for certain qualities. Then, you will be happy with your orthodontist and your treatment. Check Associations to Find the “Best Invisalign Orthodontist Near Me” You’ve been wondering, “How do I find the best Invisalign orthodontist near me?” It all starts with the associations. You need to find someone who is part of the American Association of Orthodontics and other organizations. That will ensure the person has the training necessary to provide quality treatment. This is the first step when during your search for “the best Invisalign orthodontist near me.” Look at the Office When searching...
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Best Orthodontist in Brooklyn Heights

Choosing an orthodontist can seem like hard work. There are so many out there, so how do you find the best orthodontist in Brooklyn Heights? It might seem like an impossible task, but it’s actually really easy. Just look for certain qualities, and you will be sure to select the best orthodontist in Brooklyn Heights. Then, you can schedule your appointment and get on the road to having gorgeous teeth. Go with an Affordable Option You might think going to an orthodontist has to be expensive, but that’s not true. In reality, the best orthodontist in Brooklyn Heights is affordable. You can find an orthodontist who offers affordable payment plans and takes most insurance options. In addition, the best orthodontist in Brooklyn Heights also offers a complimentary exam, as well as free growth observations. These options make it so much easier to go to the orthodontist. You won’t have to...
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Best Orthodontist Near Me

Best Orthodontist Near Me

“Who is the best orthodontist near me?” You’ve likely asked your friends that question a time or two, and you’ve conducted some online research. House of Orthodontia has offices in Brooklyn and Manhattan and provides stellar services for children, teens, and adults. Once you get acquainted with House of Orthodontia, you’ll no longer ask, “Who is the best orthodontist near me?” Instead, you’ll ask, “How can I make an appointment at the House of Orthodontia?” Who Is the Best Orthodontist Near Me for Braces and Invisalign? The House of Orthodontia is the place to go if you want Invisalign or braces. The orthodontists here are Certified Invisalign providers and also offer a variety of options for braces. That includes self-litigating braces for those who want fewer appointments while still getting straight teeth. Who Is the Best Orthodontist Near Me That Offers Accelerated Orthodontics? You might not want to dedicate much...
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