Braces 10009

Braces 10009

Braces are a big part of the cosmetic dentistry world. They can give you straighter teeth, and a beautiful smile. So it is no surprise that more and more people are demanding braces, even adults. That being said, people still hate braces. They are quite a burden –both mentally and physically, not to mention financially – and even though they are very effective in correcting smiles, people still can’t get used to them being placed inside their mouths. This applies mainly for adults, while children are more resilient and so more accepting towards braces. Read our blog to find out all the problems of braces 10009 area code residents complain from, and how to solve them.

Why do people hate braces?

The hate is mainly directed towards traditional metal braces. To say that they have every right is an understatement. Metallic Braces look awful, are pretty uncomfortable, and take a huge toll on oral hygiene. Add to that the fact that they require a lot of back and forth visits to the orthodontist and loads of adjustments until the treatment is completed, and you’ll definitely see these people’s point of view.

Are there any solutions to these problems?

With the great surge in technology, all these problems got fixed. Here are a number of fixes to common braces problems:

  1. Appearance:

    The looks have always been the greatest burden. That is why manufacturers came up with a number of new, more esthetic types of braces including:

    1. Clear braces: Made of clear ceramic material rather than metal.
    2. Lingual braces: Attached to the inner surface of the teeth opposite the tongue and palate. They are virtually invisible even at close range.
    3. Invisalign: No brackets, wires or elastics. Invisalign is a system of plastic, transparent molds called aligners that fit the outer surface of the teeth. These can be removed at will, further adding to their esthetic advantage.
  2. Comfort:

    Traditional braces always cut and scrape against the lips and cheeks. Silicone coatings are now available that can coat the entire system, so that it is smooth and soft against the structures inside the mouth. Invisalign is also a very comfortable option. The aligners are made of thin, highly polished plastic, so no metal to cause any discomfort.

  3. Oral hygiene:

    Brushing with braces is a nightmare, and flossing is impossible. Nowadays, electric tooth brushes are available which could be of great help in taking care of your oral hygiene. As for flossing, the options are numerous including interdental brushes, floss threaders and of course the awesome technologies that are air flossers and water flossers.
    Invisalign also takes oral hygiene into consideration. As we stated, you can remove the aligners at will, meaning that when you clean your teeth, nothing will be attached to them, so basically you would be brushing and flossing your own teeth.

Where can I get braces 10009 area code residents ask?

Brooklyn NY and area 10009 residents always turn to House of Orthodontia. Dr. Alikhani, Dr. Lien, and the team at House of Orthodontia are experts in orthodontics. If you have any questions pertaining to braces, clear braces, Invisalign, or Invisalign Teen in Cobble Hill, NY, Brooklyn Heights, NY, Boerum Hill, NY, East Village, NY or the 11201 zip code area, or would like to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Alikhani or Dr. Lien contact House of Orthodontia at: (718) 852-4414

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