The Truth of How Alcohol Affects Your Teeth

Can you have a drink without hurting your teeth? That’s a question you’ve been asking yourself lately. You want to know the truth of how alcohol affects your teeth before you pour another glass of wine or mix that margarita. Get the details on the truth of how alcohol affects your teeth, so you’ll be informed the next time you’re around alcohol.

Cavities and Alcohol – A Perfect Match

If you’re interested in the truth of how alcohol affects your teeth, it’s important to understand that it can lead to cavities. Alcohol impacts your body’s natural cavity-fighting system by reducing the amount of saliva you produce. That means it’s hard for your mouth to eliminate bacteria.

That’s only part of the truth of how alcohol affects your teeth. Here’s the next part. Alcohol is loaded down with sugar, and bacteria need that sugar to feed. The sugar and bacteria meet up, and there isn’t enough saliva to wash it way. That’s why people end up with cavities.

Eroded Teeth – More of the Truth of How Alcohol Affects Your Teeth

When looking at the truth of how alcohol affects your teeth, you can’t forget about tooth erosion. The acid in alcohol can actually eat through the enamel on your teeth. Once that layer of protection is gone, you can end up with severe tooth sensitivity. Also, your teeth might end up decaying.

The Truth of How Alcohol Affects Your Teeth – Staining

Do you love having white teeth? If so, avoid red wines, sangrias, and other dark-colored drinks. While this isn’t mentioned as often when looking at the truth of how alcohol affects your teeth, alcohol can actually stain your teeth. Avoid dark-colored drinks if you want to keep your teeth white.

Is a Little Alcohol Too Much?

When looking at the truth of how alcohol affects your teeth, you’ll notice a common theme. The more you drink, the more of a danger the alcohol poses to your teeth. You don’t have to run away from a glass of wine at the holiday party, but imbibe safely and within reason.

Schedule a Consultation Today

Dr. Lien and the team at House of Orthodontia are experts in orthodontics. We are happy to answer any questions pertaining to Invisalign, Invisalign Teen, braces, and clear braces in Brooklyn, NY, 11201; NYC; and the surrounding areas. If you would like to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Lien, please contact House of Orthodontia at 212-392-4789 for our Manhattan Office or 718-852-4414. You also can visit

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