orthodontics for children

Right Age for a Child to Start Orthodontic Treatment?

When Is the Right Age for a Child to Start Orthodontic Treatment?

As your children get older, you might wonder if it’s already time for them to start orthodontic treatment. In this article, we’ll discuss the different orthodontic treatments available to children, as well as when is the best time for them to undergo them.

The Different Types of Orthodontics for Children

Here is the most common orthodontic treatment in Brooklyn. However, consulting with an orthodontist will give better recommendations as to which treatment would be the most suitable for your child.

Kids Orthodontist in Brooklyn

Traditional metal braces

The most common type of braces is the traditional metal braces. Unlike before, metal braces are more comfortable lately. This orthodontic treatment is made out of high-grade stainless steel and will straighten teeth through archwires and metal brackets. Patients also have the option of choosing their preferred color of elastic bands, which add a more personal touch to their braces

Ceramic braces

Made out of clear materials, ceramic or “clear” braces are less noticeable on your teeth compared to metal braces. Because of this, ceramic braces are typically recommended to adolescents and adults who have cosmetic concerns. Even though they are discreet, they still call for more attention to oral hygiene simply because the material it is made out of is not as durable as metal braces. This is why ceramic braces are more often used on the patient’s upper front teeth than on lower teeth.

Self-Ligating braces

Similar to metal braces, self-ligating braces are made out of the same materials but do not use elastics. This means the patient gets fewer appointments and less friction applied to the teeth. Self-ligating braces can either have metal, ceramic, or clear brackets. Similarly sized to metal braces, self-ligating braces use a specific clip instead of elastics to assist the archwire in shifting the teeth in place. The clip decreases the amount of pressure being placed on the teeth and doesn’t need a lot of adjustments since there aren’t any elastics that should be replaced.

Lingual braces

Lingual braces are placed behind the teeth, making them “invisible” whenever you smile. They are customized to match the shape of the patient’s teeth, and the metal appliances are designed to fit you. This treatment option is perfect for models, athletes, actors, and musicians, but regular patients like your child can get them too.


Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment that uses a series of removable, clear aligners that are comfortable and convenient. The aligners are made with 3D technology that is made to fit the shape of the patient’s teeth perfectly.

orthodontics for children

The Best Age to Begin Orthodontics for Children

So, when is the right time to visit a kid’s orthodontist in Brooklyn? The answer is not that simple, as it varies per patient.

A lot of parents already consider getting braces for their children when they turn 12 or 13. Around these ages is the best time to be making adjustments to the child’s teeth and jaw since there’s still room for growth.

Do take note that certain orthodontic issues have to be addressed by an orthodontist at an earlier age. Early intervention is optimal in treating any concerns that could arise and worsen at the latter stages of the child’s life. Furthermore, it can save you time and money along the road since the orthodontist will be able to catch any concerns at a younger age.

In order to know if your child is in need of an orthodontic appointment is to take regular trips to the clinic. This allows the orthodontist to keep track of your child’s teeth and spot any potential problem areas early on.

Signs Your Child Needs to Undergo Orthodontic Treatment

The majority of kids already have a complete set of baby teeth by the time they’re three. When they turn five or six, they begin to lose their baby teeth in order to give way to their permanent teeth. When they reach the ages of 12-14, all of their permanent teeth have usually grown out, with the exception of wisdom teeth.

By the time your child’s adult teeth emerge, it’s normal for you to be concerned regarding any irregularities, such as the erupting at a skewed angle.

In a lot of cases, these issues can be fixed without orthodontic intervention. When more permanent teeth erupt through the gums, they start to settle and form a more cohesive appearance.

However, it’s possible to children to go through orthodontic problems that may require attention. Here are the common signs that your child needs to undergo orthodontic treatment:

  • Thumb-sucking past the age of four
  • Protruding teeth
  • Loss of baby teeth too early or too late (Before five years or after 14 years old)
  • Teeth grinding
  • Teeth clenching
  • Teeth that don’t bite together correctly
  • Lisp
  • Slurring
  • Permanent front teeth are crowded
  • Mouth-breathing
  • Eating difficulties
  • Unproportioned jaw

How Orthodontic Treatment Can Help Your Child

Orthodontics for children is targeted at giving your child a bite function that’s healthy, which means fixing teeth misalignment and jaw concerns.

This will allow your child to speak and eat without any inconvenience. Additionally, it enhances their oral health because straight teeth are easier to clean, preventing any tooth decay or gum infection from happening.

Here is a list of benefits an orthodontic treatment can give to your child:

  • Reduces the risk of injury to teeth
  • Makes sure there’s decent space for emerging teeth
  • Enhances facial appearance
  • Shifts teeth into their proper positions as they grow
  • Assists jaw bone growth
  • Decreases the chance of impaction

Orthodontics for Children in New York

One key to ensuring your child’s treatment is successful is having a consultation with a reliable orthodontist in New York. Our team is devoted to providing excellent braces treatment and care at House of Orthodontia. We offer braces for your child and other orthodontic treatments, like braces, Invisalign, and orthodontic appliances.

During your child’s treatment, we are going to support and provide guidance to make sure that their braces are properly taken care of and that they get the best results. Dr. Thomas Lien and Dr. Mani Alikhani are experienced orthodontic specialists who are ready to help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

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